Daw Nu Nu Kyi

Daw Nu Nu Kyi

Head of Department

  1. Post Graduate Diploma in English
  2. Post Graduate Diploma in Library Science
  3. Bachelor of Science (Mathematics)
  1. Head of Department (Education and Training)(14-5-2020 to today)
  2. Lecturer (16-5-2014 to 13-5-2020)
  3. Assistant Lecturer (15-12-1998 to 15-5-2014)
  4. Library Assistant(2) (1-3-1996 to 14-12-1998)
  5. Upper Clerk (9-2-1993 to 28-2-1996)
  6. Lower Clerk (4-2-1985 to 8-2-1993)
  • Responsible for social affairs of faculty members and Responsibilities which are given by upper levels eventually
  1. “Progress to Proficiency” , Intermediate Level, “ International Training Programme 33”, (India), 18.9.2009-10.12.2009
  • Daw Kyan, Major Ba Shin and Dr Yee Yee Biography.