Daw Khin Win

Daw Khin Win

Head of Division

–         B.A (Myanmar)

–         Diploma in  Global English

  1. Head of Division (14-5-2020  to  today)
  2. Assistance Lecturer (17-6-2003 to 13-5-2020)
  3. Tutor (9-1-2001 to 16-6-2003)
  4. Police Sergeant (29-8-2000 to 8-1-2001)
  5. Corporal (1-11-1999 to 28-8-2000)
  6. Sub Corporal (1-9-1997 to 31-10-1999)
  7. Bobby (25-11-1993 to 31-8-1997)

–         Responsible for social affairs of faculty members and Responsibilities which are given by upper levels eventually

  • Public Administration for CLMV Course (Malaysia) (12-9-2013 to 4-10-2013)