Daw Khin Cho Oo

Daw Khin Cho Oo

Registrar (Examination and Convocation)

1. B.A(Myanmar)
2. Diploma in English Language Proficiency (SEAMEO CHAT)
3. Diploma in Business Law
1. Registrar 4-9-2018 to Today
2. Assistant Registrar 1-11-2016 to 3-9-2018
3. Assistant Lecturer 25-6-2014 to 31-10-2016
4. Tutor 1-7-2004 to 24-6-2014
5. Technician Printing -4 4-9-2001 to 31-6-2004
1. Basic Course for Pre- Service (Junior)(39)  12-6-2007  to  14-9-2007
2. Training of Trainer ( No.1/09 ) 16-3-2009 to  4-4-20009